The First Exhibition of China Tuberculosis-related Artifacts--Reflecting the Future in the Past


CET 17th October, 2019, JinanA not very large hall, but packed with spectators, who are all invited to bear witness to the opening of the very first 'Exhibition of China TB-related Artifacts,' held in Jinan, Shandong province.The collection of artifacts on exhibit date as early as 29th year of Qianlong Emperor's reign, to the era of Republic of China, founding of the People's Republic of China a...
Successful Holding of the Inaugural General Assembly of the Expert Committee (Physicians' Group) in Jinan


On 17th October, the inaugural general assembly of the IATB's expert committee (the Physicians' Group) was successfully held in Jinan, Shandong. 23 members of the committee attended the meeting with Mr. Liu Jincheng, former director of the Shanxi Tuberculosis Hospital acting as moderator. The meeting was also attended by the chairman of IATB, Dr. Li Liang, deputy director of the Beijing Chest Ho...
The Successful Holding of the 7th National Summit of TB Hospital Directors-New Engine, New Hope and Innovation driven Development


October 2019, the 7th National Summit of TB Hospital Directors was held successfully in Jinan, Shandong. The meeting was jointly organized by the IATB, the Clinical Center on Tuberculosis, China CDC, the Beijing Chest Hospital, as well as the host the Shandong Chest Hospital. The meeting was attended by some 300 heads as well as management personnel from 27 provinces, autonomous regions and muni...
Innovation Alliance on Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Treatment (Beijing)- the 3rd Meeting on the Enlargement of the 1st Standing Committee


On 12th January 2019, the 3rd meeting on the enlargement of the 1st standing committee of the IATB was held successfully in Shanghai. Mr. Li Liang along with other senior figures of the IATB attended the meeting, which was moderated by Mr. Du Jian, Secretary of the IATB.Mr. Yao Yufeng, from the IATB’s department of remote medical platform, first introduced the progress of the establishment of t...
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