The Successful Holding of the 1st Virtual TB R&D Collaboration International Forum


January 8, 2021, thanks to generous support provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation China office, the 1st TB R&D Collaboration International Forum was successfully organized by the Innovation Alliance on Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Treatment (Beijing), the Clinical Center of Tuberculosis, China Center of Disease Prevention and Control. Due to a resurging COVID-19 pandemic in China...
Normal Operation of the Baiyitong® APP during COVID-19 Pandemic


During the COVID-19 pandemic, health authorities at all levels have been introducing measures, for instance readjusting medical insurance schemes, online appointment for all non-emergency outpatient visitors among others, for maintaining an orderly environment of health facilities, thereby protecting the health system from being overwhelmed. As the health system fully gears to cope with tidal wa...
Unveiling of the IATB's 'Internet Hospital Mobile Unit'-- a Moving TB Clinic


ECT 18th October, 2019, Jinan, Shandong'Good day, everyone, I am a TB doctor from Jilin Province Tuberculosis Hospital. Currently, I am doing screening for TB patients at Tumenling village, Changchun city.'This is a scene from the opening ceremony of the seventh national summit of heads of TB designated hospitals. The big LED screen in front of a packed conference room displays live images from ...
Successful Opening of the Seventh National Summit of Heads of Tuberculosis-designated Hospitals in Jinan


On 18th October, 2019, organized in concert by the Innovation Alliance on Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Treatment (Beijing) (the IATB), the China CDC's Clinical Centre for Tuberculosis, the Beijing Chest Hospital, hosted by the Shandong Chest Hospital, with academic support provided by the Chinese TB Society, the seventh national summit of heads of TB-designated hospitals, also the annual conferenc...
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